Frequently Asked Questions

"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends" - Jane Austen
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If your question is not answered here, please email us at We'll get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

Do I have to be a Vanity Club member to attend your events?
Vanity Club event participation is limited to members in good standing. Guests of active members may participate by approved invitation. Written approval for guest participation must be from the Events Chairwoman well in advance of the event.

Who may join the Vanity Club?
Membership in the Vanity Club is by invite only. Each candidate must be sponsored by an active member. All individuals, aged 18 and over, who identify on the transfeminine spectrum are permitted to join. See Becoming a Member for more information.

What are the criteria to be invited to join the Vanity Club?
Successful candidates: (1) portray a positive image of transgender women in public and; (2) are active in socializing transwomen acceptance in mainstream society. See Becoming a Member to learn more.

What are members expected to do?
Although membership is voluntary, members are expected to maintain high standards of behavior at all times that reflects favorable on the Vanity Club, our amazing and diverse group of sisters and our communities. For an outline of membership requirements please visiteMembership Expectations.

I am a VC alumnus. How do I reactivate my membership?
Wonderful! Please write directly to the President at start the process. For more information, please visit our Returning Members page for more information.

Can I meet people through your group?
No, the Vanity Club is not a dating organization. Visitors to this site are expected to respect that understanding.

How do I get contact information for a Vanity Club member?
Information about Vanity Club members is strictly confidential. Only individual members can share information about themselves.

Why is information about Vanity Club members and activities confidential?
The Vanity Club is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its members. Members may prefer to keep their personal information confidential for a range of reasons. Each member controls access to their personal information through their own personal account settings. Members are expected to respect each others choice in sharing information publicly.

Attempts to reveal nonpublic personal information about its members is considered a serious infraction and will be treated as such.

How can I recommend new events, resources, literature or other ideas for your site?
Recommendations for adding new content should be directed to the External Affairs Committee at