Becoming a Member
"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous" - Coco Channel
Joining the Vanity Club can be a rewarding experience, giving you valuable, lifelong and life-changing friendships. For those interested in seeking membership, this section will help you get started.
Prepare Yourself
The Vanity Club looks for individuals who present a positive image and who are authentic in their responses to the candidate application. Being active and out is important, however, we do realize that some may have personal situations or live-in locations around the world where a candidate cannot safely be out in public without great, great risk. If that is the case, please state so in your candidate application.
What We Look For
The founders of the club initially looked online for the 'the best of the best' and invited them to join. However, as society has evolved to become more tolerant and accepting, so has the Vanity Club and its purpose. We increasingly look beyond just the photos and stories of earlier years and seek candidates who are open, experienced and comfortable presenting as themselves and also are volunteering, participating and even taking leadership positions in their communities. We look for people who are kind, who willingly offer their friendship and support to others. And, of course, we look for people who want to have a little fun being themselves.
The Invitation
Joining the Vanity Club is by invitation only from a current member through a nomination process. Each active member may nominate only two individuals per year for membership. Members are expected to know their nominee very well and, if feasible, have met them in person on several occasions. The member must be able to attest to your character and credibility. Once you understand the expectations of the Club and agree to go through the admission process, your Vanity Club friend will formally nominate you. Don't know a Vanity Club member? Please contact the Membership Chair at who can help you look for opportunities to do so.
The Process
Once nominated, the Membership Chair will send the nominee a candidacy form. Nominees are expected to complete the form and send it to the nominating member for review prior to submitting it back to the Membership Chair. A recent profile picture of the nominee as well as an introduction letter (letter of recommendation) from the nominating member are required to complete the candidate packet. The Membership Chair will send the completed candidate packet to the President for review and acceptance. Once accepted, the Membership Chair will schedule the candidate for election. There are four elections a year with a maximum number of six candidates per election. Therefore, the sooner your get your candidate package back in, the sooner you can stand for election. Candidates must receive the approval of 75% of active members to be approved for membership.
New Members
New members will be assigned a VC number, introduced to the membership and asked to complete an online profile in the member-only section of the website. The nominating member will become the Big Sister of the new member and mentor them through the one-year probationary period to familiarize them with the Bylaws, Code of Conduct and policies of the organization.