Membership Expectations

"Keep your heels, head and standards high" - Coco Chanel
Although membership is voluntary, members are expected to maintain high standards of behavior at all times that reflects favorable on the Vanity Club, our amazing and diverse group of sisters and our communities. Members will also adhere to the Bylaws and Code of Conduct of the Vanity Club. Finally, members are also expected to offer sisterly support and friendship to other members.

To maintain your membership, at the very minimum, each year you must:
  • Vote in at least two elections
  • Answer the annual Census
  • Pay your membership dues
Members are highly encouraged to be active in their communities, to volunteer when able and to attend Vanity Club events when time and personal resources permit.

To prevent divisiveness between our members and to promote an open forum that all feel comfortable to share and participate in, members:
  • Will Not use abusive language
  • Will Not use vulgar language openly and ongoing
  • Will Not be disrespectful to or disparaging of other members' views and beliefs
  • Will Not release personal information of another member without explicit permission
  • Will Not share internal club communications with non-members
  • Will Not openly champion a specific candidate for membership
In addition to the above restrictions, the Vanity Club absolutely prohibits internal dialogue regarding political alignment and viewpoints, religious beliefs and sexual preferences. Depending upon the severity, a single transgression of the above items may result in expulsion from the organization.