Having Fun, Together

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun" - Katharine Hepburn
Best Friends
are the people in life that
make you laugh a little louder,
smile a little brighter and
live a little better.

Very often we forget how to trust our own natural ability to find well-being in the midst of the changes life brings. Having fun relaxes us, gives us space to reflect, helps us learn, and shows us how to promote that well-being. We naturally gravitate toward happy, fun-loving people. Experiencing fun with others is a necessary ingredient to happiness and a happy person is a healthier person. This all might not strike as an earth-shattering revelation, but yet as individuals, we often feel that fun is an eluding ingredient in our lives.

Vanity Club Members have long agreed that "Fun matters!" Having fun with your best friends sometimes is all the therapy you need. It strengthens our relationships, it makes us happier and it certainly reveals our true selves. Being out, active, and having fun together is a powerful force in shaping the public perception of the transgender community. The Vanity Club plans and participates in over a dozen events each year giving our members and their guests the opportunity to gather and have some fun...LOTS of fun!

Personal Testimony from Members
Having fun with Members builds positive emotions which increase life satisfaction, helps unite people (including non-member main-streamers) to overcome differences, and give hope when working through difficult challenges. If there were no other reason to join the Club, this would be enough for me.
- Nora S.
OMG... Johnnie's Hideaway in Atlanta... If you like to dance - just go! I miss going there! The fun I have had there with my Sisters has been nothing short of amazing. The after hours parties are also amazing. We try to solve the world's problems one at a time... the discussions, the laughter, the tears... all heartfelt and true. I have never laughed so hard in my life. All because of my sisters!
- Jenee D.