Welcome to the Vanity Club
Lisa Harris, President of the Vanity Club

Welcome to the Vanity Club International website. This is a website that one might legitimately say has been 25 years in the making. Founded in 1996, the Vanity Club has grown and evolved from humble beginnings through several iterations of internet presence. This site is the latest and the most comprehensive we have ever released. It promises to be a place for visitors as well as current and prospective sisters to explore the beauty, lives and experiences of the world's largest, oldest and best known international organizations of transgender woman.
Vanity Club sisters hail from all over the world, Europe, Australia, Israel, Canada, Columbia, Guatemala, and of course the United States. Our sisters are out living their authentic lives every day, serving in the military, in public service, in professional careers of every stripe and doing the kinds of activities that everyone does in everyday living. All while setting before the world grace, dignity and genuine humanity of transgender women.
I hope you enjoy your visit to our corner of the internet and that you learn a little something about the Vanity club and our members. Come back often as well. This is an ever developing and evolving website and sorority.
Lisa Harris VC480